FROM CABARET NEWS FROM FROM NYC: Here's a milestone worth remembering: Tony Middleton is turning 80 and there will be a celebration of this momentous occasion at JAZZ AT KATANO (66 Park Avenue, NYC) on Thursday, June 26th - 2 seatings, at 8:00 & 10:00 pm. In 1952 he became the lead singer of the 5 Willows; in 1956 they had a hit record, "Church Bells May Ring". He left the group for a solo career in 1957. After recording for several years without chart success, he moved to Paris in 1962, where he acquired a large following. Middleton returned to New York and recorded for several more labels over the next decade, including A&M, Columbia, Scepter, MGM and ABC/Paramount, for whom he cut the powerful "You Spoiled My Reputation" in 1965. He is featured singing lead on several records by Burt Bacharach, including "My Little Red Book" and " I Come To You". He also sang on recordings by other artists including Smokey Robinson, Della Reese and Nell Carter. Later he returned to the Willows and toured with them for a decade on the oldies circuit. Reservations: 212-885-7119
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