If your press release is appropriate (cabaret related) and complete (CLICK HERE) here's what happens:
1) It gets listed in the CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE NEWSLETTER (sent twice a week to more than 2700 cabaret-loving subscribers) two to three weeks before the event (providing release is received by then). The newsletter is also posted on the website - visited over 6000 times a day by cabaret fans worldwide.
2) All items listed in the newsletter are then added to the CABARET EVENTS LISTING page on the website according to date (including multiple events) and a headshot (if available) is included.
3) The day of the event, all listings for that date are moved to the "home" (opening) page on the website and when moved it is announced on TWITTER and FACEBOOK
4) Around 10:00 am (EST) each day, specially chosen events (picks) are announced on the BLOG and the event headlines are announced with a link on TWITTER & FACEBOOK (Items running ads and/or offering discounts are always included.
Every day, in every way, we're promoting cabaret! Listings in the newsletter, on the website and on the blog are FREE - be sure to read the rules regarding press releases (CLICK HERE).