We were planning to mail out our special 2010 MAC AWARD STRAW POLL - which is really a contest and not a vote - to current members of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE yesterday, but got caught up in some extra web work and had to postpone it to today. The person(s) who most accurately predict the most award winners will be sent a set of 6 cabaret CDs (the award will be divided if more than one winner results.) We will only be choosing on the top categories.
We are not soliciting 2009-2010 members for CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE since we're getting set for our new 2010-2011 CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE Membership Year which begins on July 6, 2010 (the date of the first issue of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE). The new memberships will be available on May 5th - anyone joining between now and then will be sent a membership card listing the new year. In the light of the current financial problems here in the US (and elsewhere except maybe China) we are establishing new rates and membership levels - starting at just $5! Full details were sent to current members in the MEMBER'S ONLY newsletter last week, and will be posted on the website shortly.
We're already in the planning stage for our CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE 20th ANNIVERSARY PARTY. Exact date, time and place to be announced. Seems a bit early to start planning, but its just a little over 3 months away, and this is going to be "a big one"! We're planning on a 2-hour event this year with at least 18 performers instead of the usual 12-15.
Once again, tickets for 2009-2010 and any new 2010-2011 members will be at a discounted price.
We're seriously studying whether to continue the CABARETSINGS.COM website. While the website continues to get about 100 visitors a day, there seems to be a complete lack of interest on the part of new songwriters to join the program. Inclusion on the website only involves joining as a member at any level - so before asking the current partipants to rejoin for 2010-2011, I must come to a decision. Several songwriters listed have reported song requests/sales through the site, but with so few currently involved, I need to decide if it is all worth the effort involved.
See a show or two this week! Visit our websites! Run a banner or sidebar ad! Now - more than ever - cabaret (and CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE) needs your support. Every day, in every way, we're promoting cabaret!