2010-2011 CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE memberships are now available for renewal. Memberships start at just $5! Basic SILVER membership is still just $20! GOLD membership is now reduced to just $50 and CRYSTAL to $100! If you aren't certain of your current membership status or level, just drop me a line at stuhamstra@svhamstra.com . Full details of benefits for each level of membership are on the website, including PayPal links so you can purchase instantly with a credit/debit card at JOIN HERE The new 2010-2011 Membership cards are valid through July 5th, 2011. All membership donations under $19 must be sent by PayPal. If you decide to join by check (for over $19), please remember, all checks should be made out simply to STU HAMSTRA and mailed to 676A Ninth Avenue #120, New York, NY 10036.
You can donate instantly via PayPal using a credit/debit card for whatever amount you wish! We'll place you in the proper membership level ($5+, $20+, $50+, $100+, etc.) based on your donation. Just click here
ALL members can upgrade to another level at any time during the membership year to gain additional benefits with full credit of membership fee already paid.