I'm sure you all are getting as bored as much as I am getting frustrated with the continued news of the relocation of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE (and me) to new living quarters. All I can say for sure is that I have to move out of this space by Wednesday, September 1st. Where I move depends if I can raise an additional $500 by then to be able to move to a real room rather than an air mattress on the floor of a friend's apartment. We received a flurry of membership renewals last week which took us over the $1,000 mark, and we lowered our original estimated needs from $2000 to $1500 and concentrated on finding a furnished room rather an unfurnished one. And we're cutting moving expenses to the bone by getting rid of what little furniture we had and as much extra baggage we don't need.
Meantime I have packed much of my stuff in cartons, and my friend Daniel is coming over this afternoon to help me bring some no-longer-usable clothing to the Thrift Shop around the corner (or in some cases, to the dumpster), and help me bag lots of garbage bags with papers (mostly song lists and press releases from shows of the past 6 years - since the last time I did this).
I am proceeding on faith that the money will come in time - and depending on the 160 members from 2009-2010 who have not renewed their memberships for 2010-2011 to renew today and tomorrow. I'll be sending one more reminder tomorrow - I want to check today's mail from my box to see if there are some checks there - several have been promised. Please note, this is a membership drive with a purpose - not a plea for donations. Memberships come with real benefits, including show discounts, discounts and rebates on banner advertising, reduced ticket prices on CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE special events, CD & YouTube promotion pages on the CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE website, etc. And, of course, the biggest benefit is knowing that your donation is going to continue our efforts to promote the art and artists of cabaret.
If just 25 more folks join at the $20 SILVER level (out of the 160 still to renew) we will have our goal. And 28 of the 160 are CHARTER members - members for 10 years. I'm truly confident that the funds will be in my PayPal account and mailbox by tomorrow night! If you plan to rejoin, and can afford $20, please do so now - even a $5 basic sustaining membership will help!
You can join instantly via PayPal for whatever amount you wish! Just click here, fill it in and we'll set the right level:
The next issue of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE will be sent from our new location - we fully expect it to be sent on schedule on Thursday around noon. We're counting on you to make this possible.
Just a reminder: there will be only one issue of the CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE newsletter next week due to the Labor Day Holiday - the regular Monday issue for LABOR DAY, September 6th, will be combined with the WEEKEND issue and will be published on Thursday, September 9th.
Starting Wednesday, as we add the CD SALE pages for all new members (SILVER level and above) requesting same, we will be removing the CD SALE pages of all non-renewed 2009-2010 members. CLICK HERE
The CABARET BLOG and CABARET YOUTUBE pages will be updated as well - adding new links for all new members (SILVER level and above) requesting same and deleting links of all non-renewed 2009-2010 members.
On September 30th, non-renewing members will no longer be listed (with website, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter links) on the MEMBERSHIP pages, and will also no longer receive our special Saturday MEMBERS ONLY newsletters.CLICK HERE
Please don't delay - join or renew today. Now - more than ever - cabaret (and CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE) needs your support.
Is CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE writing about you on TWITTER and FACEBOOK? Each day we promote some of the best cabaret events around the world via TWITTER and FACEBOOK and also on the CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE BLOG . The items are taken from the home page of the website - which also changes every day. But you won't know what we're saying about you if you don't follow us.
In the listings today we tried to include all the appropriate cabaret items for the next three weeks - at least for events for which press releases were received (remember, fliers and website URLs are not press releases). However, time & space contraints made it impossible to include all this issue. They will be included in the next issue on Thursday.
I remind you that we try to include and give preference to press releases received directly from performers and publicists, rather than rely on club schedule information or items posted on Yahoo or Google groups boards. We usually only use items from those other sources to fill in for dates for which we have no direct releases. If the issue is running long, we usually leave them out.
See a show or two this week! Visit our websites! Run a banner or sidebar ad! Join CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE for 2010-2011. Now - more than ever - cabaret (and CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE) needs your support. Every day, in every way, we're promoting cabaret!
Look for more news on the website ( ), on the blog ( ) and updates, picks & reminders on TWITTER ( ) and FACEBOOK ( ).
And that's just about the way it was.
Thanks for your support of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE!
Hugs & Stuff,