* 30 - 60 min. long
* Easy to produce in a no-frills festival
* Any genre. (Plays using guns as props will not be considered).
* Plays must be sent in Word Document or PDF File. Pages MUST be numbered and script must be in standard playscript format.*(see below)
The Festival will take place at the Workshop Theater's JEWELBOX THEATER (312 West 36th Street, NYC). Short plays and musicals receive 3 performances, all in the same week. Producers receive a share of the profits, if any. Shows receive a tech rehearsal equal to 2.5 times the running time of the show.
The Variety division spans cabaret, magic, improv, sketch comedy, standup, and burlesque. Acts can be solo or group affairs, so long as they fit within an hour, including setup and strike, and so long as they bring their own musical director and so forth. The Festival provides a keyboard and amp. Shows receive a 1-hour tech rehearsal and a share of the profits, if any.
The Short Play Lab is just like the regular Short Play Labs throughout the year: 2 programs of about 10 short plays each (not to exceed 10 min. in length), each program performed twice. The Festival takes the door; 2 cash prizes are awarded to the most popular shows, 1 from each program. Each show receives no more than 20 min. of tech rehearsal.
For all shows, the Festival provides a theatre (the WorkShop Theater JewelBox), shared scenery (rehearsal cubes, a table, and 4 chairs), front-of-house staff, a board op (NOT a lighting designer), and a keyboard plus amp if necessary. Shows must be fully produced (off book!).
In addition to the fully produced shows, there will also be staged readings on weekday afternoons. Producers wishing to present a staged reading must make sure their reading doesn't exceed 3 hours and must pay a $100 fee. The Festival doesn't provide a board op or any technical rehearsal to speak of.
To submit a project, mark it clearly "MITF AutumnFest," and let them know whether it is a short play or musical, a variety act, a 10-min. play, or a staged reading. MITF will curate the entries as they come in, so you can start working on them as soon as possible. Please send all playscripts and all Variety submissions (video reels, youtube, etc.), to:
Submission Deadline For Short Subjects Is October 15th.
Submission Deadline For Short Play Lab and Variety Is October 22nd.
*PLAY SCRIPT FORMAT: 12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions; 1" margins all around.
More details at:
* Easy to produce in a no-frills festival
* Any genre. (Plays using guns as props will not be considered).
* Plays must be sent in Word Document or PDF File. Pages MUST be numbered and script must be in standard playscript format.*(see below)
The Festival will take place at the Workshop Theater's JEWELBOX THEATER (312 West 36th Street, NYC). Short plays and musicals receive 3 performances, all in the same week. Producers receive a share of the profits, if any. Shows receive a tech rehearsal equal to 2.5 times the running time of the show.
The Variety division spans cabaret, magic, improv, sketch comedy, standup, and burlesque. Acts can be solo or group affairs, so long as they fit within an hour, including setup and strike, and so long as they bring their own musical director and so forth. The Festival provides a keyboard and amp. Shows receive a 1-hour tech rehearsal and a share of the profits, if any.
The Short Play Lab is just like the regular Short Play Labs throughout the year: 2 programs of about 10 short plays each (not to exceed 10 min. in length), each program performed twice. The Festival takes the door; 2 cash prizes are awarded to the most popular shows, 1 from each program. Each show receives no more than 20 min. of tech rehearsal.
For all shows, the Festival provides a theatre (the WorkShop Theater JewelBox), shared scenery (rehearsal cubes, a table, and 4 chairs), front-of-house staff, a board op (NOT a lighting designer), and a keyboard plus amp if necessary. Shows must be fully produced (off book!).
In addition to the fully produced shows, there will also be staged readings on weekday afternoons. Producers wishing to present a staged reading must make sure their reading doesn't exceed 3 hours and must pay a $100 fee. The Festival doesn't provide a board op or any technical rehearsal to speak of.
To submit a project, mark it clearly "MITF AutumnFest," and let them know whether it is a short play or musical, a variety act, a 10-min. play, or a staged reading. MITF will curate the entries as they come in, so you can start working on them as soon as possible. Please send all playscripts and all Variety submissions (video reels, youtube, etc.), to:
Submission Deadline For Short Subjects Is October 15th.
Submission Deadline For Short Play Lab and Variety Is October 22nd.
*PLAY SCRIPT FORMAT: 12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions; 1" margins all around.
More details at: