2010-2011 CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE memberships are now available for new and renewing supporters of cabaret. If you're not able to afford a CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE membership this year, you probably don't own a computer, since memberships start at just $5! (you must use PayPal if your membership is in the $5-$19 range, since my bank gets a little irritated if I deposit too many small checks).
All members get listed on the website with a link to their website, MySpace, FaceBook & Twitter URLS plus a discount card for shows offering discounts to members, plus the special MEMBERS ONLY newsletter, sent on Saturdays.
$5 - $19 - SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP - basic items above
All the following levels get the benefits above plus a free CD Sale page on the website, free YouTube video link, free Blog link, plus rebates/discounts on banner advertising. In addition, if they offer discounts to other members, their event will be included in all Thursday issues of the newsletter.
$20 - $49 - SILVER MEMBERSHIP - amount of membership rebated towards first banner ad in a membership year.
$50 - GOLD MEMBERSHIP (15% discount on banners ads)
$100 - CRYSTAL MEMBERSHIP (25% discount on banners ads)
$250 - PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP (30% discount on banner ads)
$500 - DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP (50% discount on banner ads)
$1000 - DIAMOND SELECT MEMBERSHIP (50% discount on banner ads, plus 2 FREE tickets to the next annual CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE Birthday Party plus 6 free weeks of SUPER-SIZE BANNER ads within the membership year.
$50 - GOLD MEMBERSHIP (15% discount on banners ads)
$100 - CRYSTAL MEMBERSHIP (25% discount on banners ads)
$250 - PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP (30% discount on banner ads)
$500 - DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP (50% discount on banner ads)
$1000 - DIAMOND SELECT MEMBERSHIP (50% discount on banner ads, plus 2 FREE tickets to the next annual CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE Birthday Party plus 6 free weeks of SUPER-SIZE BANNER ads within the membership year.
ALL members can upgrade to another level at any time during the membership year to gain additional benefits with full credit of membership fee already paid.
Full details of benefits for each level of membership are on the website - just click on the JOIN HERE button at the top of every page. 2010-2011 Membership cards will start going out on May 5th (2010) and will be valid through July 5th, 2011. If you decide to join by check (for over $19), please remember, all checks should be made out simply to STU HAMSTRA and mailed to 676A Ninth Avenue #120, New York, NY 10036.
Or you can donate instantly via PayPal whatever amount you wish! We'll figure out the level by the amount of the gift. Just click here: