2010-2011 CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE memberships are now available. This new year I can't think of anyone who won't be able to afford a CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE membership, since memberships start at just $5! (you must use PayPal if your membership is in the $5-$19 range, since my bank gets a little irritated if I deposit too many small checks).
All members get listed on the website with a link to their website, MySpace & Twitter URLS:
$5 - $19 - SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP (basic discount card for shows offering discounts to members - see below)
All the following levels get a free CD Sale page on the website, free YouTube video link, free Blog link, etc.)
$20 - $49 - SILVER MEMBERSHIP (refunded towards banner ads)
$50 - GOLD MEMBERSHIP (instead of $75 - 15% discount on banners ads)
$100 - CRYSTAL MEMBERSHIP (new level - 25% discount on banners ads)
$250 - PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP (instead of $500 - 30% discount on banner ads)
$500 - DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP (instead of $1000 - 50% discount on banner ads)
$1000 - DIAMOND SELECT MEMBERSHIP (comes with 2 FREE tickets to our next annual Birthday Party plus 6 free weeks of SUPER-SIZE BANNER ads)
All benefits for each level of membership are on the website - just click on the JOIN HERE button at the top of every page. 2010-2011 Membership cards will start going out on May 5th (2010) and will be valid through July 5th, 2011.
We already have close to fifty 2010-2011 CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE members! You see, in addition to several folks who signed up the past few days, about 35 members of the now discontinued CABARET FOR SENIORS program are still eligible to receiver their free 2009-2010 membership extension for 2010-2011! All members who received the free extensions have been notified - and warned to ignore the many "reminders to renew" that we will be sending out to members and subscribers while we update our database to reflect renewals. We are also awarding extended 2009-2010 memberships to anyone who joined after April 1, 2010 (which happens to be just 2 people).
Its one of those days when the wallet is empty but the air is aglow with anticipation. There's money in the pipeline (over $1300 in receivables/promises/pledges) but there seems to be a kink in the pipe somewhere - and that's ok as long as the kink is straightened out by Friday when the rent is due. Maybe my mailbox will include some good news today.
We're working on a few new things - getting the website reorganized for the new membership year, tuning up some pages, and even adding new features to our CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE BLOG - http://cabarethotlineonline.blogspot.com/ . We received a review of Mary Forster Conklin's recent show at the METROPOLITAN ROOM and it was so interesting and well written, I decided to post it on the blog (we're able to add photos easily now). Check it out -as well as the other items on that special site.
We add new items to the blog daily - including our choices of great cabaret shows of the day. And if you follow on TWITTER - http://twitter.com/cabarethotline - you will be notified each time something is added.
Our Cape Cod pal Joni Rapp wrote up a report on the recent PROVINCETOWN CABARET FEST for another website and now sent a new report to us for use on our website, including a lot of photos. We're creating a special page for this report and adding a special section for all cabaret festivals (up to now we've been combining them with the Award events. Takes a little extra work but hopefully you'll be able to find news, reviews and reports on all these grand and exciting events from around the world. Stay tuned.
Every day, in every way, we're promoting cabaret!
See a show or two this week! Visit our websites! Run a banner or sidebar ad! Now - more than ever - cabaret (and CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE) needs your support. Every day, in every way, we're promoting cabaret!
Look for more news on the website ( http://www.cabarethotlineonline.com/ ), on the blog ( http://cabarethotlineonline.blogspot.com/ ) and updates, picks & reminders on TWITTER ( http://twitter.com/cabarethotline ).
And that's just about the way it was. I still have a lot more to tell you about but we've run out of space so the rest will have to wait until Thursday's issue.
Thanks for your support of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE!
Hugs & Stuff,