2010-2011 CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE memberships are now available and this year I can't think of anyone who won't be able to afford one since memberships start at just $5! (you must use PayPal if your membership is in the $5-$19 range, since my bank gets a little irritated if I deposit too many small checks).
All members get listed on the website with a link to their website, MySpace & Twitter URLS plus a discount card for shows offering discounts to members, plus the special MEMBERS ONLY newsletter, sent on Saturdays.
$5 - $19 - SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP - basic items above
All the following levels get the benefits above plus a free CD Sale page on the website, free YouTube video link, free Blog link, plus rebates/discounts on banner advertising. In addition, if they offer discounts to other members, their event will be included in all Thursday issues of the newsletter.
$20 - $49 - SILVER MEMBERSHIP - amount of membership rebated towards first banner ad in a membership year.
$50 - GOLD MEMBERSHIP (15% discount on banners ads)
$100 - CRYSTAL MEMBERSHIP (25% discount on banners ads)
$250 - PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP (30% discount on banner ads)
$500 - DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP (50% discount on banner ads)
$1000 - DIAMOND SELECT MEMBERSHIP (50% discount on banner ads, plus 2 FREE tickets to the next annual CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE Birthday Party plus 6 free weeks of SUPER-SIZE BANNER ads within the membership year)
Full details of benefits for each level of membership are on the website - just click on the JOIN HERE button at the top of every page. 2010-2011 Membership cards will start going out on May 5th (2010) and will be valid through July 5th, 2011.