As soon as I get the special, revised MEMBERSHIP JOIN HERE page up and running, you'll be able to join/renew as a 2010-2011 member on line. This new year I can't think of anyone who won't be able to afford a CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE membership, since memberships start at just $5! We listed all the types, costs and benefits on the new 2010-2011 memberships in last Thursday's newsletter, so I won't repeat it all here. But if you would like to be an "early bird", send me an e-mail today at stuhamstra@svhamstra.com naming which level you want to purchase and I'll send you a PayPal invoice (you must use PayPal if your membership is in the $5-$19 range, since my bank gets a little irritated if I deposit too many small checks). If you wish to join as a SILVER ($20) member and above, and you prefer to pay using a check, please remember, all checks should be made out simply to STU HAMSTRA and mailed to 676A Ninth Avenue #120, New York, NY 10036. Please include your e-mail address with your check.
Here are the levels:
$5 - $19 - SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP (basic CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE discount card & website listings)
$20 - $49 - SILVER MEMBERSHIP - rebated fully towards first banner ad in membership year + free CD sale page and blog/youtube links.
$50 - GOLD MEMBERSHIP - 15% discount on banners + 5 CD sales spots and blog/youtube links.
$100 - CRYSTAL MEMBERSHIP - 25% discount on banners + unlimited CD sales spots and blog/youtube links.
$250 - PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP - 35% discount on banners + unlimited CD sales spots and blog/youtube links.
$500 - DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP - 50% discount on banners + unlimited CD sales spots and blog/youtube links.
$1000 - DIAMOND SELECT MEMBERSHIP (same as DIAMOND but comes with 2 FREE tickets to our next annual Birthday Party plus 6 free weeks of SUPER-SIZE BANNER ads.
All benefits for each level of membership will be on the website in the next day or so - just click on the JOIN HERE button at the top of every page.
2010-2011 Membership cards will start going out on May 5th (2010) and will be valid through July 5th, 2011.
FINAL CALL FOR COMMENTS: I'm still seriously studying whether to continue the CABARETSINGS.COM website. While the website continues to get about 100 visitors a day, there seems to be a complete lack of interest on the part of new songwriters to join the program. Inclusion on the website only involves joining as a member at any level - so before asking the current partipants to rejoin for 2010-2011, I must come to a decision. Several songwriters listed have reported song requests/sales through the site, but with so few currently involved, I need to decide if it is all worth the effort involved.
See a show or two this week! Visit our websites! Run a banner or sidebar ad! Now - more than ever - cabaret (and CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE) needs your support. Every day, in every way, we're promoting cabaret!
Look for more news on the website ( http://www.cabarethotlineonline.com/ ), on the blog ( http://cabarethotlineonline.blogspot.com/ ) and updates, picks & reminders on TWITTER ( http://twitter.com/cabarethotline ).
And that's just about the way it was. I still have a lot more to tell you about but we've run out of space so the rest will have to wait until Mondays's issue.
Thanks for your support of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE!
Hugs & Stuff,