I had the most curious thing happen again this past week. Curious, but not unusual. In fact, I am quite accustomed to it.
The twice-weekly newsletters have been running a bit long lately as I attempt to get all the news items about holiday shows included so that I can send out a set of listings tomorrow. So a few stories were postponed (I include 99% of the items received if they are "on topic.") I try to get all items into the newsletters and on the website at least 2 weeks - and most times three weeks - before the event date.
If you are running an ad, of course your item runs every issue, and if you are offering a discount it runs at least in every Thursday issue. And cabaret organization events and legitimate benefits that are cabaret related run every issue as well. And members get their item chosen as soon as space is available, usually right away. Then the others are added. I thinks this is about as fair of placement as possible. But nearly everything gets used (if you send a press release with missing information or that is so confusing it needs extensive rewriting it gets put in a "hold" file until I have time - and sometimes I simply don't have time). Oh yes, my new mantra: A FLIER IS NOT A PRESS RELEASE.
That all being said, I got two complaints after two issues in a row from a person who is not a member, not an advertiser, not offering a discount to members, not promoting an organization event, and not having a legitimate benefit, that a particular item hadn't run. I explained the system (as above) and promised it would be in the next issue - and it was.
I know he saw the item because no complaint came in - but it would have been nice if a little appreciation was shown in the form of a thank-you. But this is not the first time this has happened and won't be the last time either. I include dozens of news items in every issue and I get more "thank you's" from just regular readers than from performers when I include their releases. Curious.
I had to share.