I have to catch you all up on a new project I started (no, not another website - at least not quite yet) but a new type of personal regimen. You see, for Christmas my pal Daniel gave me an iPod Touch for Christmas - its like an iPhone but without the phone part. And you can download from the iTunes store small applications (that's why they call it the App Store - and there are over 10,000 to choose from) that are either for entertainment or everyday use.
So Monday afternoon I found a little app called "Lose It!" - by which you keep track of everything you eat, figures the calories and and gives you a daily and weekly total. You start by putting in your weight and then adding your weight goal (mine goal is to lose 20 pounds by my birthday). Then it gives you a daily calorie quota that should help you lose weight weekly to reach the goal - about 20 weeks means about a pound a week.
Tuesday morning I began my record keeping - which all by itself is enough to make you more careful about how much you eat.
My daily quota is 2,230 calories - and yesterday I was 474 calories under my quota (I assume I can save these for a big meal once in a while). I didn't weigh myself when I started, so on next Monday, when the second week is about to start, I will do an official weigh in and then keep track each week.
And exercise (which for me is walking a little briskly) allows you to deduct calories - I took a 1 hour walk today and got credited 247 calories! So when I got home I could eat 3 cookies - 232 calories!
Stay tuned.