On Tuesday (12/01), we added two new pages to the CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE website (which we do annually) to list all Holiday Cabaret Shows, as well as NEW YEAR'S EVE shows for 2009. A host of events are already posted on the HOLIDAYS page and over the weekend we will be adding some items just received to the NEW YEAR'S EVE page.
We will be doing things just a little different than usual this December - we will add items to these pages as received rather than waiting to publish them in the newsletter first. So you might want to check the page occasionally for new information. Of course, if you have a HOLIDAY THEMED show or a show on NEW YEAR'S EVE (or at least so themed), please send me, via e-mail, a press release a.s.a.p. Oh, and remember, a flier is NOT a press release. A good quality jpg headshot photo attached to your release will also help draw attention to your offering. Send to stuhamstra@svhamstra.com