New in both the newsletter - with a follow up on the website, a special section featuring cabaret folks who you should follow on TWITTER (besides me ). These are performers I am following who provide pithy comments and news on a regular basis, and who will not inundate you with TWITS of a political, commercial or pornographic nature. Inclusion in this list will be made with the permission or at the request of the "twitee" and if you would like to be included, follow me on TWITTER just sign up as a follower and then send me a DIRECT MESSAGE with your request.
Oh, one more thing, if you request to be included I will review your recent postings to make sure that they meet the criteria above. Abuse of this offering will result in removal from the FREE website listing. (You don't have to be a member of CABARET HOTLINE ONLINE to be included, but of course that would be a nice gesture on your part.)